Tech by Sebrae – Palestras sobre AI aplicado ao varejo

Rubens Guimarães, convidado pela Sebrae de Maringá – PR para realizar palestras e participar de painéis no Tech By Sebrae 2019, um evento para mais de 400 participantes com temas de tecnologia, negócios e inovação para Agro, Construção Civil, Tecnologia, Saúde e outros setores.

Rubens Guimarães falou sobre Cases reais e práticos de inteligência artificial, serviços cognitivos e machine learning para o varejo.

Rubens Guimarães, invited by Sebrae de Maringá – PR to give lectures and participate in panels at Tech By Sebrae 2019, an event for more than 400 participants with themes of technology, business and innovation for Agro, Civil Construction, Technology, Health and other sectors.
Rubens Guimarães spoke about Real and practical cases of artificial intelligence, cognitive services and machine learning for retail.